PI Dashboard

The PI Dashboard (pidash.cornell.edu) was created by Cornell University's Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR). It is being developed under the direction of a faculty advisory committee and with additional faculty input on content and ease of use.

It is designed to answer questions about the financial aspects of research projects at Cornell. 

Who Uses the PI Dashboard?

Mainly Cornell researchers and people who support them in their work (PIs and Research Administrators). 

What Kinds of Questions Does the PI Dashboard Answer?

  • Am I on track to spend all of my money on schedule? 

  • Who is being paid on my projects? What percent of their effort is on my projects?

  • What was purchased on my projects?

The development team is working in short sprints to add features at a steady rate. See what's been added recently and what's planned next on the Roadmap page. 

Guiding Principles

A few simple ideas guide the decisions and development work on the PI Dashboard.  

  • Make it easy for people to answer common questions quickly with data. 

  • Remove silos so that faculty and RAs can see financial and project data in one place.

  • Present data targeted to faculty. 

  • Use priorities set by faculty.

  • Look to the target audiences (faculty and RAs) for guidance.

Get Involved

We are interested in hearing from you about the PI Dashboard. In fact, we are always in need of people who will offer their insight and opinion. If you'd like to provide input, send an email to [email protected]


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